So "Dace Dog" his new nick name ......thanks to ally but any way he is such a binki baby which I think it is fine at least for right now it isnt his hand or thumb at least I can take the binki away...so funny story I sat dayson up on on the couch and than I put a little pillow in front of him so his binki would stay in so I wouldnt have to go and put it in every second when it would fall out and I was folding laundry and happend to look over and his binki had fell out and was on the pillow a couple of inches in front of him and he was looking at it for a while but not crying so I didnt go over there and finally he decided to try to get it and he fell forward and caught it in his mouth than fell over on the couch and still wasnt crying because he finally got his binki seriusly it was so funnny maybe not as funny when I write it but if had it filmed than you could see what I mean....he is 6 WEEKS and boy does time fly he is changing so much but I love it....I love being a mom...