About Me

November 7, 2009 we started our family! We have a little stud, who is our pride and joy. He is a wild, mischievous child, who makes us and everyone around him laugh. His personality is coming out more and more each day and we couldn't be happier. I cant wait to see what the rest of life will bring, but I am enjoying every step of the way. Thats us!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mothers Day!!!

I was able to celebrate mothers day, for the first time this year! I have loved being a mom and knowing you are the sole provider to another person. Joe, was great he changed every diaper, cooked, and did the dishes. We also got a new TV stand so that was mine and Joe's mothers and fathers day present. This whole blog for the past year was pretty much about Dayson and his little milestones. So with that I have to write the best gift I received on this mothers day. I know I will sound conceited as I write this, but its not my words just quoting. So Monday I took Dayson to his year old check up and immunizations. Dayson is 25 pounds and 30 inches. He is about average for a 12 month old. The doctor came in and checked out his muscles, his communication skills, and motor skills. The whole time Dayson was showing off. He was talking non stop probably like 10 or more words as I was telling him what to say, he was clapping, dancing, running, walking backwards, and blowing kisses. Since I have such a awesome pediatrician he kept saying are your sure Dayson is only 12 months, I always new Dayson was a quick learner and a little advanced, but the doctor said he is at the same level as a 16-18 month old. He also asked if I was a stay at home mom? I replied kind of, I have worked, but been with Dayson a lot. Joe also gets home at 12:30 every day so he is always there too. He said you can really tell that some one has worked with him every second to be this way. He said most of the things he is doing and acting he shouldnt be doing till he ia 16 months. He was so shocked about how active he was for his aged, he kept saying Dayson your scaring me. I haven't seen a boy this advanced in years. He said he sees some little girls advanced like him, but not boys. I know your think o Raquel you are so full of it, but I just want this memory. I know I like attention and compliments, but when Dayson was getting them it was 10 times better. I finally asked the doctor are you just telling me and every other mom what they want to hear about there child? He said, no I usually don't spend this much time with a patient and most of the time I have to tell parents what there child isn't doing and what to do to help there kids. He said what ever you guys are doing keep it up and the next time I see Dayson he probably will be acting like a two year old. This was one of the best mom days for me. I will keep trying my best and hope that Dayson will always stay on top of his game!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Whole year!

Dayson will be turning 1 next week! Can you say where has the time gone..... I keep thinking of this time last year, and how I was so miserable. I just wanted that little boy to come already... When he finally came our life change dramatically. I looked back at my blog and I hadn't wrote my birth story so I am going to now before I loose all the memories. My pregnancy was hard and my body pretty much wigged out and blew up! HAHAHA its the truth! So to sum it up I hated being pregnant. Dayson didn't ever want to come. I went over due, and I tried everything to make him come. I bounced on a ball, got foot massages, breast pumped to start contraction, and tried Castro-oil twice. None of them worked. Finally, my doctor decided to start me. I went in to the hospital at 2 pm and was started on pitocein. It was fine till about 12am than I got the epidural. I fainted while he was putting the needle in my back and almost fell off the bed....They tried again and it went in fine. I still remember that pain. I was way tired so finally the nurses let me sleep(kinda) they came in every hour and had to turn me. I was so annoyed. At 6 am I still was only dilated to a 2.5. I called my sister and was crying, I said "I am never having this baby. He hates me!"After that, a new nurse came on shift and she was very positive and for some reason things started progressing. I was ready to push by 11 am. I pushed for 3.5 hours and finally, I had the most handsome little boy ever. He came out with olive color skin and dark hair. He looked a lot like Joe. Joe was actually the first person to hold him. Insert- Justin my brother in law was in the room the whole time except while I was pushing. I was so shy and I didn't want anyone with me during labor except Joe, but Justin snuck in there some how. He tried to come back in while I was pushing, but I made sure he wasn't coming in. He waited out side the door for the three hours. Once I had him he came right in. Justin was the first one to start bawling. Once he started crying it hit both Joe and I, and we started crying too. Those moments are so precious and indescribable. Having a baby is such a wonderful gift that our Heavenly Father gives to people. I will never take for granted having children. Dayson has been our life this past year. Joe is probably one of the best dads I have seen. He has babysat while I go to school or worked. He changes diapers, feeds Dayson, gives him baths, reads to him, plays and teaches him, and most of all is such a good example to him. They are best buds. I love both of them from the bottom of my heart. This has been such a great year and I cant wait too see what the years to come will bring! HaPpY bIrThDaY DACE!

Gerber BABY

My brother in law has been baby sitting for me and he is so funny. HE loves Dayson he teaches him how to work out, and has photo shoots of him. They have such a cute bond. He saw a gerber commerical, and said that looks like Dayson. After that he made this picture! They really do look alike!