This picture is for my DAD, his first pair of boots, a little to big but so cute. Now my dad would say he needs a pair of
About Me
- Joe and Raquel Ross
- November 7, 2009 we started our family! We have a little stud, who is our pride and joy. He is a wild, mischievous child, who makes us and everyone around him laugh. His personality is coming out more and more each day and we couldn't be happier. I cant wait to see what the rest of life will bring, but I am enjoying every step of the way. Thats us!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
We are trying to work with Dayson to start crawling. He gets on his knees but he cant quite get his arms to move with his knees, so he falls... Give it a couple of weeks!

This picture is for my DAD, his first pair of boots, a little to big but so cute. Now my dad would say he needs a pair of

This picture is for my DAD, his first pair of boots, a little to big but so cute. Now my dad would say he needs a pair of
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
So Dayson is now 5 months old, crazy, he is so big... He fits into 6-9 month old clothes yea! The clothes get so much cuter from 6 months up.. He is 18 pounds yes very chunky he may start slimming down because he is officially mobile. He will roll both ways all the way across the room and scoot or army crawl if he wants to get somewhere. Last night was the cutest thing he was on the floor scooted to his little blue blanket grabbed it and rolled over and snuggled right up to it. By that time I new he was tired so we went to bed. His newest thing I absolutely love is he constantly says 'mama' it was his first word YEA. I don't really think he knows what it means but when ever he wants attention he says it. Hearing that little word just makes my heart melt. I loved him more and more each day as he grows. I didn't think I could love someone so much. He is just so much fun! He loved books whenever he is fussy I will read to him and he will just sit there and look at the pages. I try to read to him every night before I go to bed I would like to start that routine. Dayson is a trooper we were in a car a while back with 2 babies one started crying so the other one did to and Dayson just sat there calm, he hardly gets over stimulated. I think he doesn't because I tend boys who yell all the time and he has grown up around noise. Dayson is also so bubbly in Walmart I was waiting for Joe and reading a magazine while Dayson was in his car seat in the shopping cart and when people would walk by he would smile at everyone. So in return they would all laugh or smile it was so cute. I probably sound like a mom who thinks my baby is just great, but I mean what mom doesn't. I just want to remember little moments. As far as what we have been up to this month Joe and I have been really busy, I haveschool and work and Joe works, we hardly have time to do anything and if we do we just want to relax. We have a crazy life at this moment the next couple of months should be great with the holidays. I cant wait to have my first christmas with little family!
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