Dayson is now 19 months and man has the past couple of months been a handful. He has quite the attitude. I am not sure who he gets that from......
OK probably me. He has been talking quite a bit lately and repeating
a lot of what we are saying. I
didn't think Joe and I swear but somehow he picked up the Sh** word. He always says o sh**, it kind of sounds like shoot so lets just say he says that. He has been into everything and I mean everything. The other day I was getting out our
Christmas decorations and I left them in my basement, I go down stairs and he had broke all of my glass
Christmas bulbs. I was so furious so I sent him up stairs while I sweep up the broken pieces and when I come up stairs he emptied our garbage and was eating all the leftovers. This leads me to my next subject that, he will not eat. Its a fight everyday to make him eat what I make. Sometimes I just have so many questions on how to parent, and if I am doing it right with his
mischievous behavior. He still has a very sweet personality and heart. He says thank you to anyone who gives him stuff. He also steals toys from kids and says "mine", "
thank you". Like I said before he is a sour but sweet little man. He counts to 5 on him little hands and with him little voice, its adorable. He pees in the toilet and is getting close to being potty trained. His new thing this week he yells MA MA MA till I give him attention and than he says I
wuvv yoooo. He climbs on everything and has to touch everything. He makes us laugh all the time with things he picks up and does. His two best friends are Lucy our dog and Dylan. He is very social and I am pretty sure he is a daddy's boy. He is such a handful, but I am very glad he is healthy, curious, and very smart. Everyday he amazes us as to what he picks up and what he can do. I just home the terrible two's
don't last another year and a half. At his 18 month check up his
percentile was 69 percent for his weight and 70 in his height. Love this crazy boy!