About Me

November 7, 2009 we started our family! We have a little stud, who is our pride and joy. He is a wild, mischievous child, who makes us and everyone around him laugh. His personality is coming out more and more each day and we couldn't be happier. I cant wait to see what the rest of life will bring, but I am enjoying every step of the way. Thats us!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Dayson Arrived

May 11, Dayson Joe Ross arrived he was 8 pounds 3 oz.... he is my world! After complaining for 9 months and a extra 2 weeks after his due date. He was well worth it! I would have to admit though it is a shock to know that he is mine. I had a long labor which I hope I never had to go through labor like that again.. Hopefully next time Dayson had cleared the way so it will be easier. He is getting so big in just a week it makes me sad cause I know time is going to fly by. I will just have to cherish him everyday he will only be little once.. He is such a good baby at nights he sleeps 6 hours straight and hardly ever crys only when he is hungry. It hasnt been to much of a transition except for the better. This has been such a blessing and I am very happy to have him. Joe loves him and helps out so much. He is the diaper man he is always so worried that he is going to get a rash so he always changes him so I dont complain..

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