Well to update this past month well I decided Louie my dog needed a hair cut. He has needed one since the day we got him so we took him into the groomer and when he went in he weighed 12 pounds and when he came out he weighed 10 pounds....... I love it he is more cuddly now and so cute. Everyone says he will be mean to the baby and I will have to get rid of him but I have faith that he will be nice and love the baby just as much as we will.

For our spring break we decided to make a California trip.. I was kind of worried at first before I went cause I know your not suppose to travel long distances when your 8 months pregnant but I said what the heck if I go into labor my sister can deliver me which would be awesome but that didn't happen. She has been more my doctor than my real doctor in St George cause I constantly call her on any problem or question I have. We had fun we left on Friday and came back on Sunday not to long of a trip but it was fun we went to Huntington beach which is right by Ally sons house and Joe and his brother and their friend went surfing and boggy boarding. Allyson and Louie and I just watched and hung out. Allyson actually fell in love Louie she was like if you ever feel sad and need attention just take a dog for a walk everyone stops and talks to you. We wondered if you get more attention walking a dog than having cute children I guess one day we will know.. After that we went shopping which I so needed I dont really know how to dress my self when being pregnant so we went to maternity gap and found a cute pair of jeans that I can wear later and a couple of shirts. Saturday night we went to hollywood and visited Joes aunt Tyger she lives part time in Hollywood and part time in Houston. She is the 3rd family member I have met from his family I am sure I will meet more as time goes by ha.... The trip was fun and a success I didn't go into labor but I did swell up more than I had been. Sometimes I feel like I am swelling and swelling and swelling and maybe one day I can just blow up and than blow way....I wish!!!!! We said that may be the last trip we can take before having to worry about a baby so it was fun while we can.
Last update about this month I am having braxton hicks contractions I was worried I was going into labor but It is just signs of pre labor and my doctor said I will be having him in the next couple of weeks so just watch to see if the contractions come and is steady and not sporadic like they have been.. I am so excited I cant wait I am 36 weeks today and they say he is running about a week bigger so he should be fine in case I do have him a little earlier. The only thing is I have a baby shower scheduled for April 10 and if I can just wait till April 11 than it would be perfect. I guess we will just see and play the waiting game. Maybe just maybe I will upload a baby bump pic I know it is just me but I do not think my stomach is cute at all I am sure the little guy inside is cute just not my belly....
I'm glad you went out and had fun! It's good to take advantage of the time you have....cuz it'll all be gone once that bump becomes a baby! Or so I hear...Can't wait to meet the little guy!
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome for the hat! Let me know if you need a bigger one as he grows (: Good luck with the labor and birth if it hasn't happened yet.