About Me

November 7, 2009 we started our family! We have a little stud, who is our pride and joy. He is a wild, mischievous child, who makes us and everyone around him laugh. His personality is coming out more and more each day and we couldn't be happier. I cant wait to see what the rest of life will bring, but I am enjoying every step of the way. Thats us!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Crazy August and September

So this past month and this next has been crazy. I have started school and have to drive to cedar to finish my last year in Psychology and every day in my classes I new I picked the right major because I love it. I also will be working in a counseling center there on campus and I am sure stoked! Other than school I babysit the other days and on the weekends we are hardly there. This past weekend over labor day my very best cousin and bestest friend( McKenzie) got married she looked so Georgeous. She married a great guy and I am so happy for her. Luckily she has school the same days in cedar so I see her all the time. Some times I think how in the world are we old enough to be married and have kids... I remember just like it was yesterday when we were little we would make pud pies, go on hikes, four wheeler rides, have a foot rubbing sessions, and have no obligations, those were the days!

Funny story the other day in Walmart someone stopped me and looked at Dayson and said how cute he was than she looked at me and said how old are you and I replied 18......than I was like um I am 21..I am blonde yes but I really still feel 18 or even younger.

I wouldn't change my life one bit I had such a good childhood and great family and now married a great guy and have the cutest little guy ever! Memories just make my life even better.

After the wedding We had the annual Pace reunion. It was so fun I love going home and spending time with my whole family there is a lot of us now. We went up to my cabin in Dark Valley. Since there weren't enough beds Joe and I slept in a tent we went and bought one before the trip it is actually quite nice and it was cheap. Dayson didn't sleep to well in it though I think he didn't like his face being cold so we slept inside the last night. We went fishing and my little niece who is just 3 was the first one to catch a fish I think all of my older nephews were kind of mad. We went on lot of four wheeler ride even Dayson he loved it every time he would just fall right to sleep. I brought games for all of us to play minute to win it for the kids and adults if they wanted to and The not so newlywed game for the adults. The newly wed game had questions like when was the last time you and your husband went out, whats your spouses favorite place to eat, whats the number one thing that annoys you about your spouse. Some of the questions were so funny because the other spouse for sure didn't expect some of the answers.. My parents have been married 30 something years and they were the losers and my sister Collette and her husband won she called it even before it started. I loved seeing my dad get into the game if you now Dick Pace it can get pretty interesting.. Dayson loved my dad he would sit with him for while and never cry most babies are scared of him.. We also have a memorial for my uncle Mark who had past away in December it was very nice all of my cousins and aunts came. Dark Valley was one of Marks favorite places so we got a specially made bench with his name on it.. The Bench will be there forever it was made to last.. Everyone sure misses him Mark was the glue of his family and lots of friends in Wayne county. This past weekend was so fun I look forward to next year!

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