Dayson is 8 months and it has been the best 8 months so far. He is a menace, he is into everything! He climbs the stairs any chance he gets. I am fine when he climbs them if I am behind, but its about 20 stairs and that would be a long fall. I have tried to teach him how to go down, but he just starts laughing as it is a game of me pulling him down and he hurries and climbs up again. He has his two bottom teeth since he was 6 months now he is getting his top two teeth and he is a sad little guy. All he wants is for someone to hold him. I hope this is just a teething stage and he wont need so much attention after they come in. He walks around furniture all day and wants to constantly stand. We taught him how to blow kisses to everyone when we leave, its very cute. He is really starting to get his personality, he laughs at everything. I taught him the other day to go down a slide and he absolutely loves it. I will be at the bottom and he will lean forward and slide down and scream. He is a little talker, any words you say he tries to say them or the sound of the first letter of the word. He constantly says nnno nno! I wonder where he got that word from. The last new little things he has learned is he will look at some pictures and he will point and say momma or point and say Dada. He gets the pictures right to. That's his 8 month update pretty soon he will be walking and I will wonder where did my little baby go? He is the sunshine in my life.
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