Joe and I went to Maui on July 25, 2011. We made it to LA that night, stayed with my sister than woke up early on Tuesday to find a airline that had room for us. We got bumped the first two flights. We decided to walk down the airport, and see if we can get on any plane going to the islands. We saw one to
Honolulu and they had room so we boarded, and said that we will just have to buy a ticket to Maui, once we got to
Honolulu. We finally made it to our Maui after flying all day. We needed to get a car rental and we got hooked up. The girl gave us a Subaru as a free upgrade and she also discounted the price. We made it to our resort, it was right on the beach and was beautiful. Our first night we had dinner on the beach, and watched the cliff diving show off of the cliffs by our hotel. The rest of the week consisted of touring the island, trying to surf and boogie board, swimming, tanning, eating, hiking to waterfalls (we saw over 10 different water falls, and sleeping inn. One major thing we love it how green the
vegetation was and how blue the ocean was. It was a perfect
temperature and there were hardly any bugs it was paradise. It was a needed trip for Joe and I. We almost had forgot how to act together with out a baby. We made the flight home, I was
worrying about that all week. We made it home on Sunday about 11 am. It was such a fun trip, but missed my little
Dayson so much. A week was to long for me to be away from him. When I came to pick him up, he pretty much jumped right out of
Josies arms. He was so excited to see us, on the way home he kept pointing and blabbering on, like he was telling me stories from what happened all week. This was a great vacation, since we can check Hawaii off our list we are deciding where to go to next. Till our next adventure!
Thanks to my family for taking care of Dayson, even when he had his first little cold. I am sure he was in heaven at their house where he could roam free out side all day.