As many of you know I just love Dayson and this blog mostly should be about Daysons and Dylans adventures. Any way I just have to write down a couple of things that seriously amazes me about Dayson and little things he does everyday to make us laugh.
His personality is seriously something else... He is so funny and mischievous. He has such a attitude I think he thinks he is a 3 year old stuck in a 1 and a half year old body. He is so stubborn and totally knows how to throw a fit...ugh this is the worst.
He is quite a little gentlemen he says "thank you" if you take something from him or give him something. He also will help clean up his toys, the other day he was ahead of me while I was carrying the grocery's and I dropped a bag. He turned around came back picked it up and handed it to me. I thought it was one of the nicest things he has picked up on. He also tries to help move things around the house if we are rearranging. He also loves loves loves to vacuum. What ever closet we have it in to hide it from him he finds it. He pulls it out pulls off the cord plugs it in the wall, puts his foot down on the lever to lower it, and turns it on and away he goes. I now wonder why I bought a roomba (robot vacuum) when he wants to vacuum every day.
He is talking a lot and now is having conversations with you. Here is a couple of things he has been saying.
~In nursery a lady asked me how old he was and most of the time he has his one little finger and says one. This time though he says "I two" and holds two fingers up.. They were like o hi. I replied um he is just 1 I don't know where he got that from.
~My friends husband was watching him the other day and he was talking to Dayson saying come sit buddy we are watching a good show(cars 2) he sits down by him under the blanket and looks at Danny and says "good show, good show".
~Today we got new couches and carpet in our basement and when they came I kept saying oooo Dayson they are so nice. Later when my mom showed up she was like ya they look nice and he went over to each couch and was petting them saying "so nice, so nice, and then went and pointed down stairs and said "so nice". It was weird though that he didn't go over to any of the old stuff and say it.
~Each night I wash my face and usually he is in the bathroom with me and watches. This morning I was getting ready and he climbs up by me, grabs the soap and puts it on his face turns on the water and splashed his face. He seriously catches on to everything.
~He is in love with apples if it was up to him that's all he would eat and that's all he says, other than "o shi!t" he picked up on that word once and now that's all he says repetitively. He was saying it so loud when I was check out at Walmart and the lady finally asked me what is he saying and I replied o he knows a bad word. She than was talking to Dayson saying that's a yucky word. I was so embarrassed that a lady was telling my son to not swear. Joe and I now just decided to not give him attention when he says it and try to make him replace it.
~ He now sleeps in his twin size bed. Every night I ask him where he wants to sleep and he says big bed and goes and climbs in. We haven't had a problem so far, with him falling off or climbing out. He knows the rule if he does get up he goes in the crib.
~He knows what timeout is. Usually if he is doing something bad I say stop and if he does it again I say do you want to go to time out and he replies no and usually doesn't do it again.
~Finally he has been such a climber he climbs onto anything. He moves our kitchen stools to get what ever he wants in the cupboards, it drives me nuts. I find him in some of the craziest/scariest places.
His personality is so dang funny he makes me laugh everyday. He laughs over everything and is happy if he gets sleep. I never new how much you can love another person until I had him. We are very happy and grateful we have him and Dylan.
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