- So as most of you know or don't know I am having a baby!!!! YEA........I am also having a BOY but he does not have a name yet....I will have one set and everyone will voice their opinion and I am weird, I listen to others more than my self and of course there is Joe who is so so so picky on names we want a unique name and one that is not to popular. My family all wants me to go with a name from my genealogy and ya that would be great but some of them are to different and the ones I like either don't fit with my last name of Ross or Joe doesn't not like it.... So that brings me to my nameless baby maybe in the end I will secretly have a name picked out and when everyone is gone I will go and name him all by my self and everyone will have to deal with it ha even Joe!......If you have any ideas let me know any name would be helpful.
- Any way I am so excited to meet him and see what characteristics he will have and what he will look like. I can already tell he will be stubborn when I went to get my ultra-sound to see if he was a boy or girl I was in there for 40 minutes that's a long time for a ultra sound but the little guy kept his legs crossed for that long. I couldn't leave without knowing either, We kept banging on my belly for him to move but he wouldn't he just would punch us back ha and of course he would not move his head either so we could see how big it was. He was comfortable and didn't want to be disturbed even when we were banging and punching him and finally he moved well now I know what I need to be prepared for is someone who has a mind of his own.
- Another funny thing is he will not ever kick Joe if his hand is on my belly it is weird he will always kick me and if I lay Louie on my stomach he will kick him all day long so finally Joe figured out the only way to feel this little boy is to burp really loud to my stomach and we will kick instantly it is quite funny.
- Things I am looking forward to that I never have thought about and it is simply laying on my stomach again man I miss that so much, having energy again, fitting in my Jeans.....ugh if I will ever be able to again ha, and I think what I am most excited for is meeting my little baby and you cant forget HAVING A CLEAR FACE.....
- Joe's family had emailed me some pics of Joe when he is a baby and man do I think he is adorable and of course I think I was so cute as a baby to so I guess we will see what our new baby will look like!

I'm so excited for you! Make sure you let me know about a baby shower :) You can run the Bryce Canyon Half Marathon with my in July if you want to get back into shape??? It's gonna be fun! We can do runs together while you push the stroller!