Recap of 2009 this post might be long but this is also my journal so I dont want to forget the highlights of this year....

New Years we went to Las Vegas and trust me we will never do that again it was so crowed and it took us two hours to walk two blocks so we could get back to my car....ya Vegas is the worst place to be during New Years...
Febuary- My parents bought a 2 bed room condo behind the temple in St George so I moved in their and than rented out the rooms with some great room mates!

March-I was given a dog and I named him diesel he was the cutest puppy ever he was mix of a yourkie and shitzu. I am such a animal (dog) lover and the second I had renters (aka my parents) that would let me have a dog than I did....well I don't know how much they let me have a dog cause I had him for a couple months with out even telling them, I know I am horrible, but I new what they would do so I decided to wait till I was attached to the little guy to tell them and they could make me give him away.....
(its better to ask forgiveness than permission right)!
May- We went to

zions a lot and hike around and saw a lot of the scenery. We picked the right time to go there because it wasn't to hott like June and July was, and it wasn't to cold.. The highs for the summer for June and July were 120 holy cow that's when I want to be in Teasdale.

July- T

his month was mine and Joes birthday, For his birthday on the (19) I had surprise party for him and he was definately surprised.... I made him believe we were going to go get pizza for him and my roomates and a couple of his friends would meet him at the river where he skim boards he loves to do that. Than I called him a little later saying he had to take Justin(his brother) back to our house to be picked up by his cousin so he was so mad he thought he would be late to the the river and what he thought was his party but nope it wasn't he walked in the house to see if any one was there and we surprised him it was so fun it was his first birthday part any one has thrown him..... Than for my birthday (25) we went to Lady Atebellum it was here is St George and it was awesome they are by far my favorite country artist for the time being and Joe also took me to Vegas to go shopping. I also dyed my hair dark this is a reminder never to do that again.
August- This month was very sad Diesel disappeared... We went home for the Wayne county fair and one night when we left for the durby he was there and when we got back he was gone so either some one stole him or he ran off or something ate him....yes yes very sad day for me and joe
Sept- I Got Engaged! We had dated a yea

r by now and than I got engaged to the man of my dreams.......He made me go on a scavenger hunt to all of our favorite places and than he purposed!
Oct- I bought another dog! His name is Louie

and I love him so much he was already 3 when I got him so he is already potty trained yes, he has been the lowest matience dog I have ever had he doesn't jump on the couches or bark only when he doesn't like you...Some people say he is ugly but nope I don't he is the cutest dog ever! but I still remember Diesel too I just got bored and needed another dog....
Nov- I Got Married! We had our reception In Bicknell Utah....This is for sure one of the happiest days I will ever have and I will never forget it!

December- Christmas was great Joe and I went to Teasdale with my family...My parents spoiled us and Joe and I spoiled each other! He wanted a wii forever so I got it for him and of course I tricked him into thinking it was a sled that goes in snow and he was mad about that cause he kept saying we live in St George why would you get me that so I did good this year in hiding it...
This is a Christmas I will also never forget my Dads brother and my uncle Mark passed away right before Christmas.. it was such a shock to all of us and it was very hard to understand why this had to happen but God always knows what is best and everything happens for a reason and I know on day I will see him... We will all miss him he was one of the most honest respectable man you will ever meet. We had his Funeral on Dec 28, 2009 it was such a wonderful funeral there were so many good talks spoken and it was the perfect way for all of us to remember him and what he has done .... I will always remember him the example he has been to him..... Thanks uncle Mark!
Sounds like you had a great year! I think 2010 will be even better. It was too bad about Mark, but I am glad you learned some great things from him. It was good to see all the family, it's just sad it was because of a funeral. Love ya!