About Me
- Joe and Raquel Ross
- November 7, 2009 we started our family! We have a little stud, who is our pride and joy. He is a wild, mischievous child, who makes us and everyone around him laugh. His personality is coming out more and more each day and we couldn't be happier. I cant wait to see what the rest of life will bring, but I am enjoying every step of the way. Thats us!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Craddle to the crib
So this past week my mom came down and stayed and said Dayson is to big for his craddle and needs to be in his crib to have lots of room to play and sprawl out when he sleeps... So I decided it was time Sat night I put him in his crib and put the craddle up and once joe found out he had more anxiety than me... So we all went to sleep around ten and about eleven I woke up and Joe was gone I got up and he was sleeping in Daysons room on the twin bed.... He couldnt handle it! Sunday night I put him to sleep and joe was already asleep and he woke up and said go get Dayson and I said no he needs to sleep in his crib. After that he got up and said fine I am bringing his crib in our room.. I got up with him and tried to get the crib but seriously it is so huge it wouldnt fit no matter what way we tried to put it throught door. Joe was so determined he even took of the door to get it through but it still wouldnt fit. That was our answer Dayson is suppose to be in his own crib in his own room. After this whole event I just had to realize joe is so protective I feel he is just a little bit more than me!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Ok for those of you that can eat what ever you want I envy you such as my husband.... It is just not fair! Since Dayson is 3 months I am determined to loose the last 15 pounds. So now that I am working out and trying to diet key word trying all I think about is food and sweets I dont no why but it might be that joe gets sweets all the time and I just have to watch him.... So thats my entry and if any body has tricks on sweet cravings please please tell me...
Friday, August 13, 2010
Nov 27 2010

Great News Nov 27 Joe and I are going to be sealed in the St. George Temple we are so excited... We we be sealed for eternity It has always been a dream of mine since I was little my favorite song was I love to see the temple I am going there some day! Well its set and so greatful that I can have Dayson sealed to us forever also.. I know it will be a great experience and we are so happy we will get the oppertunity to go I am sure it will bring so many blessings to our life. I am also way excited to wear G's I dont no why but I am. The gospel has helped me and Joe, since Joe is a convert this is all new to him but just by talking to him and knowing him you can see that it has helped him in so many ways you cant even explain.. I cant wait!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Summer 2010
So this summer has been crazy In June Joes dad came up it was the first time I met him and he is awesome very welcoming... July 4 we went home for the apple days then we left for Texas to see and meet the rest of Joes family... We had so much fun we mostly went all over texas to visit all of his family he has a huge family... I like texas it was really pretty and green I just hated the humidity and the fact that I couldnt see out only to the trees in front of you, they were pretty but I just am used to seeing ahead of you anf knowing where your going and what direction.. His family spoiled Dayson and were way nice to me. We got back from Texas and this summer I have been babysitting so I can bring dayson with me which is awesome and to make some extra money.. I am sure he thinks he has 4 older brothers since they are always holding him and givng him attention... The boys are way good at sports so maybe they will give Dayson some ideas and tips.. Joe also turned 24 he is getting old jk he thinks he is and I turned 21 woot woot I can (gamble) well now I dont think it is all that great I went to mesquite and lost so no more for me.. we also now go to Salt lake every other weekend to see Dylan which is awesome he is such a cute little guy... So that keeps us busy but I get to see my bestest friend ever Jaz I have missed that girl.. So we have had such a fun summer it has went by way to fast and Dayson is 3 months next week he is getting so big to. When I was pregnant 9 months went way to slow now it is going way to fast. I love every min of it and glad I am his mom and he agreed to have me as his mom well I hope he agreed to it..
Little things I love about Dayson..
I love that when I change his diaper he keeps his legs in the air and loves being changed.
I love his little Voice and Laugh-he is very social with everyone and so happy.
I love that he knows me and Joe when ever he sees us.
I love that he reaches for me he just learned that.
I love that he hardly ever crys only when he is hungry or tired.
I love he sleeps at least 7 hours in a row.
I love he sleeps at least 7 hours in a row.
I love he repeats a lot of what I do he catches on really fast. He smacks his lips when I do sticks out his tounge when I do, and blows bubbles when I do.
I just love this little guy.
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