About Me

November 7, 2009 we started our family! We have a little stud, who is our pride and joy. He is a wild, mischievous child, who makes us and everyone around him laugh. His personality is coming out more and more each day and we couldn't be happier. I cant wait to see what the rest of life will bring, but I am enjoying every step of the way. Thats us!

Friday, August 20, 2010


Ok for those of you that can eat what ever you want I envy you such as my husband.... It is just not fair! Since Dayson is 3 months I am determined to loose the last 15 pounds. So now that I am working out and trying to diet key word trying all I think about is food and sweets I dont no why but it might be that joe gets sweets all the time and I just have to watch him.... So thats my entry and if any body has tricks on sweet cravings please please tell me...

1 comment:

  1. Fat free popcorn and crystal light does the trick for me most of the time. Skinny cows are great too I know you like shakes so that might help with the ice cream cravings
