Daysons new and amazing jumper! He will jump, laugh and scream in it all day. It is even the best way to put him to sleep. I will have to post this video of him he will jump till he falls asleep. If you wake him up he will start jumping again and keep falling asleep...so funny. Now, if you hold him he will constantly jump he just cant get enough of jumping. 

-I am not quite sure what face he was pulling all night but it was a picture moment.-
So the past week I have had Justin (Joes brother) baby sit I was kind of nervous but he did great. He had Dayson for 3 hours and during that time I texted him and asked how he was doing. He said he was fine and dont worry. I thought I was being a little to protective till that night I got home and Justin told me Joe called him 3 times...Joe is so funny, he is the most protective dad, but I love it . I know he would do anything for his family. Also when I got home Justin the body builder that he is, taught Dayson how to do pushs ups. He actually does it with him ha it made me laugh, I will post a video of that to... Last Dayson will be 6 months in 11 days holy crap.
CUTEST HOT DOG costume ever!! You're son really is so handsome!