Everyday I look and Dayson and thing how in the world he was a part of me for 10 months ..... Having a baby is the most incredible thing. I still don't understand it all. A year ago I was so ready to be done with being pregnant, but this year I am not ready to have dayson be a toddler. He is becoming so independent which is great, but at the same time I just want him to not grow so fast. He talks so much last night Joe was going to sleep and I was like tell daddy "nigh nigh" and he was like "nigh nigh daddy" no joke 3 words haha. He is comprehending so much. He says a lot of words and talks all the time. He now blows kisses on demand and dances. Today he was trying to take off his shirt. He always helps me pull off his clothes, but today I put a long sleeve shirt on him and he didn't like it so he kept trying to pull his arm out of the shirt. It was very funny. He is becoming shy I never thought he would, but around new people he pulls back and clings to me. He also knows what is what. If you say go get elmo he will go get him or if you say get your truck or the monkey book. I am trying my best to read to him daily and make books a main part of his life. Also, he now walks everywhere this past weekend he would only walk when he felt comfortable, but now he walks around and avoid crawling. He is so little walking its kind of weird. He is just so much fun and Joe and I laugh constantly. I am so glad that both Joe and I were there every step of the way too see him grow and see his little milestones.
Hahaha! Kubrick was trying to bite off his shirt the other day. That reminded me of it. I love these updates : )